Backup and Restore Settings


Q: How do I export my current application settings?

A: To export your current settings, simply click on the "Export..." button located in the 'Import/Export Configurations' section of the application. This will allow you to save your configurations for backup or setup on other installations.

Q: What settings can be exported?

A: You can export a variety of settings, such as your General settings, Photo Layouts, Screen Overlays, Countdowns, and more as indicated by the checked boxes under Advanced Export. Ensure the settings you wish to export are selected before proceeding.

Q: How do I import settings into the application?

A: Click the "Import..." button in the same 'Import/Export Configurations' section. This will open a dialog to select a previously exported settings file to import into your application.

Q: Will importing settings overwrite my current configurations?

A: Yes, importing settings will typically overwrite existing settings. It's recommended to export your current setup before importing new configurations as a backup.