Guest Selectable Photo Layouts

You can configure Sparkbooth to allow your guests select a photo layout at the start of the session. You can also select which photo layouts are available to guests.

For 6.1 or newer

For 6.0 or older


  1. To enable the photo layout selection screen, go to Start Screen Settings by pressing ctrl-2
  2. Enable "Use Start Screens" and "Change photo layout screen". You can also set the number of photo layouts to display at the same time.
  3. Close the settings dialog
  4. All favorited photo layouts are available to guests for selecting. You can configure the selectable photo layouts by going to Settings by pressing Ctrl-1
  5. Select "Photo Layouts"
  6. You can clear all the currently favorited photo layouts by holding the Ctrl key and press the heart button
  7. Now "favorite" the photo layouts you want guests to select by selecting them from the drop-down list and pressing the heart button